Thank You!!
At right is a photo of the donor wall plaque on display at the rink!
Cass Park Arena Enclosure Supporters
Constructed in 2022 while celebrating the rink’s 50th Anniversary
With generous community support as well as strong public funding
The Ithaca Youth Bureau, Cass Park and City of Ithaca Staff are grateful for the support from our community and the Friends of the Ithaca Youth Bureau in making the Cass Arena Enclosure a reality.
Elizabeth Klohmann, Jim D’Alterio, IYB
Public Support
City of Ithaca
Laura Lewis, Acting Mayor; Svante Myrick, Mayor
State of New York
Dormitory Authority of New York, with thanks to
Assemblymembers Barbara Lifton, Anna Kelles
Regional Economic Development Council grant, NYS Office of
Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, with thanks to
Senator Thomas O’Mara
Tompkins County Tourism Grant
Ithaca City School District
Please let us know if your name is missing or misspelled so we can fix this list!
Enclose Cass Campaign
Friends of the Ithaca Youth Bureau
Board: President Jeff Love, Vice President Mary Grainger, Secretary Allen Green, Treasurer Eric Nichols
Christian Averill, Gail Brisson, Brian Fiorello, Rebecca Fisher, Debra Howell, Lindsay Glasner, Michelle Manning, John Strong, Sheila Squiers
Team Benches
Anonymous (3)
Officials Box
Tompkins Community Bank, Tompkins Insurance Agencies, Tompkins Charitable Gift Fund, Legacy Foundation
Penalty Boxes
Ithaca Living Solutions LLC, Dennis Family, Taughannock Aviation
Whitehead Family
In Memory of Kevin Talty
In Memory of Sam McLafferty
Cayuga Health
Cornell University
Evan Earle and Family
Grainger Family
Guthrie Medical
Ithaca Youth Hockey Association
Travis Hyde Properties
True Insurance
In Memory of Daryl Pace
In Memory of James M. Hartshorne
CFCU Community Federal Credit Union
CSP Management
Eve Donnelly and Brian Kirby
Duthie Orthodontics
Steve and Carla Fontana
Instant Replay Sports
Rosanne Mayer and John Siliciano
Mark Milstein and Monica Touesnard
Peter, Paulette and Jack Salmon
Serendipity Catering
Stanley Cup event donations with Dustin Brown
Vizella Media
Marian Burns Wilcox Family
Bleacher Rows
Anonymous *
Robert and Laura Andolina
Armitage Family
Cayuga Landscape
Chemung Canal Trust Company
Phil and Ginny Dankert
Donna Fleming and Rick Kaufman
Shane and Michelle French
Gregory and Beverly Hartz
Ithaca Beer and the Mitchells
Rich and Vicky John
Sally Gates *
Allen and Alice Green
Mary Beth Ihnken and Michael Neely
M&T Bank
McPherson Builders
Brent Pitzer Memorial Foundation
The State Diner
Therm, Inc.
United Way Youth & Philanthropy
Wagenet Family
Nancy Wilson
Community Contributors
Leonard Allan
Allderige Family
Warren Allmon and Jennifer Tegan *
Mary Kay Anderson *
Laura and Robert Andolina
Anonymous (10)
Susan Anton
Jeffrey and Cora Armitage
Rachel and Ethan Ash
William Babuka
Amy Bach
Steve and Aimee Bacon
Barbara Baird and David Holowka
Todd and Cristin Baker
Casey Bangs and Cody Pitzer
Kevin Bangs
Ann Bantuvanis *
Daniel Barbash
Barker Family
Christine Bataille
Paul and Connie Bates
Carol Bayles and Ernie Bayles
James Beaumont
Harriet and Franklin Becker
Randi Beckmann and John Hoffmann
Duncan and Melanie Holland Bell
Linda Bell
Barb and Brian Belyea
Jason Bennett
Karen Bennett
Richard Bennett
Debra and Richard Benson
Matt and Karen Besemer
Luann and Richard A Biviano *
Shawna Black and Margot Chiuten
Dave and Karen Blakeslee
Robert and Rita Boothroyd
Mary Bowler and Ken Jones
David Boyce *
Robert Breiman
Jason and Pixie Brennan *
Peter and Beth Brennan
Paul and Mary Brenner *
Theresa Brenum
Kevin Brew
Ron and Brenda Bricker
Tara Bricker
Gail Brisson and Armin Heurich
Susan and Joel D. Brock
Luvelle Brown
Canon Brownell
Wendell and Pamela Bryce
Susan Budney
Jill Burlington *
Bridget Cafaro
Michelle and Michael C. Cannon *
Patrick Capruso
Gary and Rita Carlson
Nate and Lynn Carsrud *
Kelli and Kevin Cartmill *
Joe Cassaniti
Kristin Cerione
Sydney Chernish
Jeff Christen
Jen Christianson
Karen Christianson
Daniel Cogan
Elissa Cogan and Barry Chester
Margaret and Tom Cole
Kimberly Collins
Diane and Jeff Conuel *
Cathy Cook and Diane Russell
Alyssa Cooper
Ezra and Daphne Cornell
Benjamin and Elissa Cosgrove
Sarah Creath *
Norm Croft and Christine DelVecchio
Amy Cronin
Julie Crowley and Lisa Kerslake
Carl Crumley
Nancy Culligan
Eric Cyker and Teresa Cater-Cyker
Leslie and Cody Danks Burke
Stephanie DeBuck
Michelle and Bob Delaney
Louise and Doug Derraugh
Stamie Despo *
Jennifer Desposito
Anne and Thomas Devine *
Barbara DeWall
Jerry and Margaret Dietz *
Ronald and Susan DiNapoli
Barbara and Frank DiSalvo
Mary Lou Dodson
Ron Dodson and Janet Jonson
Ryan Dodson
Tammie Dodson
Steve Douglass and Barb Just
Jeremy and Billie Downs
Elizabeth Duncan *
Geoffrey Dunn
Susan and Tim Durnford
Bridget and John Duthie *
Brian and Jody Earle
Lynette Eckert
Eric and Christine Eisenhut *
Jennifer Engel and Larry Young
Melissa and Peter Enns
Cynthia Estes-Smith and Norm Smith
Madeline and Matthew Estill
Ross Evancoe
Matthew Evangelista and Joan Filler
Helen Evans
Alice Feeney
Silvia Ferrari
Rebecca and David Fisher
Brian and Sarah Fiorello
Marnie FitzMaurice Cryer *
Maurice FitzMaurice
Eanna Flanagan
James Flanders and N Sydney Moise
Dale and Gayle Flinn
Katie Foley
Lisa and Christopher Ford
Ben Foster
Hilary Fraser
Martha Frommelt and David Feldshuh
Susan Fulshaw
Jeff Furman and Sara Hess
Kristy Gabriel
John and Pat Gaines
Beth Gatto Wright
Patricia Gatto
John Gephart
Rhonda and Jim Gilmore
Leo Gilshteyn
Brenda Godert
Tracy Goodrich
Merri and John Goodrow
Julia Gorman
Karen and Jeff Gorsky
Maura Grainger Koch
Sandra Granieri *
Carolyn Greenwald and Adam Schaye
Joanie Groome
Dawn Grover
Christopher Grupp *
Stephen Hand
Brenda and Mark Hansen
Ann Harding and Christopher Grippin
Monica Hargraves
Amber Harris
Herbert Hartwig
Gregory and Beverly Hartz *
Dan Hazlitt
Patricia Heckart
Holly and John Heitzman *
Linda and Peter Hemmerich *
Kristin Herman
Janice Hertel
Robert and Elizabeth Hillman
Lori Hodgson
Rachel Hogancamp *
Stacy and Robert Holstein
Barbara Horton
Allison Howe
Debra Howell and Tommy Stephens
Myra and Gregory Hubbell
Kellie Hummel
Jim Hynes
David and Amy Iles *
Janet Ingraffea
Chris Irving
Margaret John-Testa
Susan Jones
Phyllis and William Joyce
Michael Kaminska *
Paul and Katherine P. Karakantas *
Toshimitsu Kawate
Janet Keifer
Edward Kelly
Patty and Joseph Kiely *
Jitae and Heeyoung Kim
Eileen Kinast
Thomas King
Michael Kirkwood
Deanna Kline
Elizabeth and Neil Klohmann
John Knab *
Kevin Kniffin
Irene Komor and Leo Tohill
Frances and Dexter Kozen
Karen Laface and Andrew Getzin *
Marisa and Tom LaFalce
Hobit LaFaye
Nick and Sharon Lambrou *
Michelle Landers and David Poles
Bruce and Heather Lane
Moira Lang
William Lawley *
Melanie Lefkowitz
Bonnie Lefkowitz-White
Alison and Brent Lemberg
Rebecca Leshinski
Doug and Treva Levine
Bruce Lewenstein and Claudia Voss
Joshua Lind
Fran Littin and Chuck Tauck
Mead Loop
Jeff and Jessica Love
Stuart Lovejoy Grinnell
Lou Luba *
Gail and Nathan Lyman
Kevin Lynch
Rick and Sally Manning
Paulette Manos *
Brenda Marston
Lee Ellen Marvin
Nancy Massicci
Jeffrey and Renne L. Matteson *
Mary Maynard
Lyn Mazza *
Marshall McCormick
Peter McCracken
Jacqueline McDonnell Bangs
Sheila McEnery and John Stephen Fleischauer *
Fred and Elizabeth McLafferty
Vera McLafferty
Merydith McMillan
Margaret Stanton McNamara
Jean and Daniel McPheeters
Kathleen and Keith D. McShea *
Emily and Joe Metz
Dan and Mari Mitchell
Deborah and Robert Mitchell
Christine Montague
Dawn Montanye
Alice Moore and Robert Smith
Pat and Richie Moran
Tanya Morrisett
Gail Mott
Krista Mugford and Bradley Rickard
Charlie Mulligan
John Murphy
Patricia and Karlis Musa
Ryan Musa
Susan Neely
Ike and Margaret Nestopoulos *
Liana Nice
Christopher O'Brien *
Mary O'Connell
Erin Oates
Dan Ostrom
Michael and Katrina Ouckama
Susan Parente
Lisa Pate
David and Constance Patterson
Kerry Pauldine *
Elizabeth Peck *
Taylor Peck
Nancy and Alan Pedersen *
Stephanie Perine
Scott Pesner
Abby Peterson *
Susan and Francis Piliero
Dan Plunkett *
Marnee and Robert Pochily *
Deb Porter
Nico, Dakota and Nana Potenza
Kate Potteiger
Joyce Putnam
Elaine Quaroni
Esther Racoosin and Eric Alani
Krystal Rampalli
Daniel Rapaport
Carley Rapone
Suzanne Rebillard
Sasha Reed
Elizabeth Remsen and Jim Marshall *
Cheryl Reynolds *
Jeff Richards
Yolanda Richardson
Tom Roach
Wendy Robbins
Martha and Steve Robertson
Mike Robson
Barbara Rogers *
Penny and Thomas Romantic
Ally Rooks
Brittany Root *
Raimona Rowe *
Sue and Steve Ruoff
Jessica and Joe Ryan
Carolann and Steve Saggese
Jaclyn Saksa
Noreen Saksa
Kate Salmon and Chris Glaubitz
Peter and Paulette Salmon *
Sue and John Sammis *
Ann Sampson Poe
Valerie Saul
Stephen Savage and Kristina Harrison *
Susan Schattschneider and Jeffrey True
Anna Schleelein Richardson and Clarence Richardson
John Scott
Wendy Seewald
Margaret Shackell-Dowell
Laurie Shaver *
Christopher Shehu
Claudia Shilo
Wendy and Michael L. Shipman *
David Shmoys and Eva Tardos
Michelle Shoen *
Jeffrey Silber and Pamela Bleiwas
Aleza and Michael Simons
Kimberly and Amit Singh
Paul Sippel *
John and Patricia Sipple
Tom Skinner
Wendy Skinner
Suzanne Smith Jablonski and Bill Jablonski
Elliot and Alison Smith
Michele and Jeff Smith
Joan Spielholz
Jennifer and Luigi Sposito *
Deanna St. Denis
Karen Stanton Clark
Bernard and Lara Stanton
Alexandra Starostina *
Mary and Mike A Stazi *
Betty Steere
Robert Steere
Scott Stelick
Patrick Stetson *
David Stinson
Wayne and Kristi Stokes
Diane Stooks
John Strong
Greg Subtelny
Mary Sullivan *
John Miskulin
Linda Swarthout *
Robert Swarthout
Ben Syer
Nancy Szary
Charles and Heather Tallman
Helen and Kevin R. Talty *
Lisa and Patrick Talty *
Michael Talty *
Richard and Mary A. Talty *
Paula Tarallo *
Marisue and David Taube
Jennifer Tavares *
Eric Taylor *
Shannon and Steven Thayer
The Blind Spots
Kathryn and Bruce Thompson
George Thomson
Nancy Toffolo
Sarah and Michael Tomei
Frank and Melanie Towner
Kaitlyn Tran
Matt Ulinski and Laura Morgan
Joseph Vanini
Joy Veronneau
Connie VonBorstel
Richard Waite
Daniel Walker
Nicholas Waller
John Webster and Amy Russ
Michael and Tammy Wehrle *
Jennifer Weinraub and David Evelyn
Karen and Erik Westwig
Janice Wetzel
Kara Wetzel
Brad Wham
Sarah and Stephen Wicker
Sarah Wilkinson
Vickie and Jay Williamson
Frank Wise
Stephen and Amy Yale-Loehr
Cora Yao
Suan His Yong
Paula and Victor Younger
Mark and Adrienne Zaharis *
Paul Zarach
Nicole Zimmerman and E. Sprague *
Corporate Team
15 Steps
Ambis Dentistry
Arnold Printing Corporation
Aurora Inn
Ball of Energy LLC
Benjamin Peters
BorgWarner, Philanthropy Committee
Carriage House Cafe LLC
Cats Pajamas
Cayuga Landscape Company
Cayuga Medical Center *
Cayuga Wine Trail
Contemporary Trends
Cornell Athletics
Cornell Botanic Gardens
Cornell Store
Diane's Downtown Automotive LLC
Dr. Francis Piliero
Edible Arrangements
ESPN Ithaca
Flower Fashions
Friedman’s Electric
Glenwood Pines
Hilton Garden Inn
Honda of Ithaca
IHS Hockey Boosters
Illume Projects, LLC
Incodema Initiative
Info Directions, Inc/IDI Billing Solutions *
Inlet Glass & Mirror
Ithaca is Foodies Culinary Tours
Ithaca Adult Hockey Association
Ithaca Coffee Company
Ithaca League of Women Rollers
Ithaca Youth Hockey Association
J&B Concessions LLC
Jewelry by Clare Green
Jimmy Johns
LaTourelle Inn
Littman and Babiarz Law Firm
Mahogany Grill
Mansour Jewelers
Maxie’s Supper Club
George McGonigal
Northwestern Insurance
Phi Gamma Delta
Pilates Room
Rasa Spa
Rose’s Home Dish
Rosebarb Farm
SASquier Consulting
Schooley’s Jewelers
Sciarabba Walker & Co., LLP
Skin Studio
Smith Allergy and Asthma Specialists
Swarthout Coaches, Inc.
The Blind Spots
The Frame Shop
Tompkins Community Bank *
Tompkins Girls Hockey Association *
Tompkins Insurance Agencies *
Triphammer Liquor, Inc.
True & Walsh LLP
Westhill Graphics, Inc.
Wine and Design
Wright Fitness & Cycling
Tribute Gifts
In memory of
Phil Dankert
James M. Hartshorne, founder of Finger Lakes Runners and Cycling Clubs
Eileen McDonnell
Sam McLafferty
Richie Moran
Daryl Pace
Olin Stokes
Kevin Talty (see asterisks)
Marian Burns Wilcox
In honor of
Martha Bizzell
City Common Council Colleagues of Donna Fleming (Cynthia Brock, George McGonigal, Ducson Nguyen, Seph Murtagh, Rob Gearhart, Stephen Smith, Graham Kerslick, Laura Lewis, Deb Mohlenhoff)
Julia Gorman
Bradley and Mary Grainger
Linda McKeown
Walter (Skip) O’Connell
Joe Sullivan
Wedding of Evan Earle and Nichole Szembrot
David Wilson
Note about Deceased Donors:
Numerous supporters of the enclosure project have died during the fundraising campaign period, December 2015 - June 2022, and others will in the many years this plaque is displayed. For that reason, all donors are listed as alive when supporting Cass Park. We appreciated their contributions then and will into the future.